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DHH Vet Group | Cats Advice
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Cats Advice

Learn more about the tricks to have a nice cat!

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    What Do Cats Think About Us? You May Be Surprised

    Unlike dogs, our feline friends treat us like other cats, author says. BY CHRISTINE DELL’AMORE, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Since cats first got their adorable claws into us about 9,500 years ago, hum...

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    Secrets to keep cats happy

    Secrets to Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy How to Enrich Your Indoor Cat’s Life . Give Him Some Space Everyone needs a little spot they can call their own. Create a convenient resting area in your h...

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    Why My Cat Bites Me

    Why Does My Cat… Bite Me When I Pet Her? It’s a conundrum, for sure. One minute your beloved kitty is over the moon with pleasure as you scratch her favorite spot and the next thing you know you...