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DHH Vet Group | Brit Care for Dogs
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Brit Care for Dogs

Super Premium Quality Guaranteed
brit care puppy
brit care puppy
Hypoallergenic formula for

puppies & junior dogs of all breeds

4 weeks ~ 12 months

protein 32% | fat 18%

junoir lb
brit care junior large breed
brit care junior large breed
Hypoallergenic formula for

junior dogs (3 months ~ 2 years)

of large breeds (over 25kg)

protein 28% | fat 14%

adult sb
brit care adult small breed
brit care adult small breed
Hypoallergenic formula for

adult dogs of small breeds

(1 ~ 12 kg)

protein 28% | fat 17%

adult mb
brit care adult medium breed
brit care adult medium breed
Hypoallergenic formula for

adult dogs of medium breeds

(10 ~ 25 kg)

protein 26% | fat 16%

adult lb
brit care adult large breed
brit care adult large breed
Hypoallergenic formula for

adult dogs of large breeds

(over 25 kg)

protein 26% | fat 14%

brit care senior
brit care senior
Hypoallergenic formula for

senior dogs

of all breeds

protein 25% | fat 12%

brit care endurance
brit care endurance
Hypoallergenic formula for

active dogs with high energy


protein 32% | fat 22%

brit care dogshow champion
brit care dogshow champion
Hypoallergenic formula to

keep show dogs in

excellent condition

protein 26% | fat 16%

weight loss
brit care weight loss
brit care weight loss
Hypoallergenic formula for

overweight dogs


protein 26% | fat 14%

brit care sensitive
brit care sensitive
Grain-free formula

for sensitive dogs and dogs

with intolerance

protein 25% | fat 14%